The Embryo Speaks.
By Kurt Tucholsky
They all take care of me: Church, State, Doctors, and Judges.
I should grow and thrive, I should slumber nine months long; I should not worry about a thing-they all wish me well. They protect me, they watch over me. God have mercy if my parents do something to me; then they will all be there. Whoever touches me will be punished; my mother lands in prison, my father right behind; the doctor who did it must cease to be a doctor, the midwife who helped is locked up- I am a precious item.
They all take care of me; Church, State, Doctors, and Judges.
Nine months long.
But when nine months are over, I have to see for myself what becomes of me. Tuberculosis? No doctor will help me. Nothing to eat? No milk? No state will help me. Torment and misery? The church will comfort me but that does not fill my stomach. And if I have no bread to break or bite and I steal: the judge is right there t lock me up.
Fifty years of my life no one will care about me, no one. I have to help myself. Nine months long they kill themselves, if someone wants to kill me. You tell me: isn't that a strange way to look out for the welfare of another?