Monday, April 23, 2018

apocalyptic failure

david scholar...ranting evangelical...failed numerologist...
there are quite a few cars at urgent care on central...but not because of nibiru...
there is considerable damage at the strip mall...but it was a fire a few weeks ago...not nibiru ( and in an inversion of the "end of the world" scenario as well as a sort of a lake station miracle, the bar at the end survived unscathed )
and there's a lot of traffic on willowcreek...but not because of a nibiru based's just another busy evening with everyone headed home...the world will end at some is true..but not the way these doomsday twerps think...or the way you or i think either probably...the variables are unknowable...accept your limited human cognition and denounce bogus manipulators...we have enough to worry about without some attention whore tugging on our coat sleeves...fuck these people.