Monday, June 15, 2009

don't let them confuse you

i was driving into work this morning ( how much longer, i wonder, will we be doing that? a bankrupt system in a bankrupt country...hopelessly delusional) and listening to "world update" on the bbc...they were "taking the pulse" of the world's's topic:unemployment...they interviewed a jordanian who had been working in a management position in the united arab emerates and was downsized back to unemployment in jordan with "no compensation"...bearing the costs of his forced relocation himself ( they even fired him with a document in english...a language he clearly does not understand)...a chinese truckdriver who had been working for a state run wire company was next...he was ordered home ( there was a migrant sub-text to all this) on "unpaid leave" and told to find what work he could...he has no idea when or if he will resume his "guaranteed employment" analize this disturbing trend they had some capitalist apologist from the business school of cardiff university explaing that unemployment was a "natural condition" in capitalism..."frictional unemployment of four to five percent is natural in a dynamic system of expansion and contraction"..."anyone who wants a job can find one even though it might mean a downward adjustment in wages."...sounds like some protestant work ethic/ social darwinist bullshit to me...don't let them fool you...capitalists LOVE gives them a desperate pool of job seekers they can use to leverage down wages and benefits...uppity workers? can the bastards and hire off the street...a system that works entirely to the elite's advantage...less money for the lumpenprolatariat means more for them...the less money out there the less inflationary pressure...and the elite hates inflation almost as much as it hate a living wage.

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