Monday, July 20, 2009

about what i expected

"however, i opposed h.r. 2454 because i believe it could be improved in several specific areas that would prevent its provisions from causing a net loss of jobs, particularly in the vulnerable manufacturing sector. given the gravity of our environmental and economic circumstances, it is worth taking the time and effort to ensure that we get this legislation right the firsts time."

that's a quote from a form letter my representative in the house sent me in response to my request that he vote in favor of the american clean energy and security act of 2009. obviously he did not, but, for reasons that are both artificial and manipulative, felt the need to explain. the first congressional district here in indiana is, if anything, something of a dinosaur in that manufactuing jobs still exisit here, albiet in much smaller number than in past years...this means that there is a significant union presence in the electorate so jobs are of particular sensitivity as a political issue...politicians of all sorts and philosphical bents are careful to show sympathy, if not solidarity, with the working class and its issues...hence my reps reference to job loss and "the vulnerable manufacturing sector." damn straight! is the desired response from me to this cheerleading and a glowing appreciation for pete's efforts on the part of us suffering mill rats. all fine and good until you come to the realization that a good number of those "vulnerable" jobs are at the big bp/ammoco refinery up in whiting and that the folks there might not be in favor of the "clean" part...pete expresses his environmental concerns while industry in his district continues to use lake michigan as a vast sump for industrial waste...part of why they built the steel mills here a hundred years ago was because the lake provided easy transport for iron ore from minnesota, and a place to dump all the toxic crap steelmaking produces...once you've got all that going into the lake what's a little benzine going to hurt? anyway politicians are adept at obfuscation and glib's part of the trade...don't let them confuse you.

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