Saturday, September 23, 2017

calling planet nibiru...

the dense yellow # 2 is still ripening in the quasi rural fields here in the nexus...
and my nascent winter rye is still standing as tall as it can...
the parking lot at the local supermarket is least half way...
the macdonald's out on route six seems to be doing a robust business...nothing extraordinary on a saturday moring...
admittedly it is a bit on the warm side for the second day of autumn...
and there is an azure sky redolent of deepest summer..and there is part of the problem...the anti-life nihilist fundamentalist evangelical in me is crying out at the failure of planet nibiru to materialize and obliterate the fucking godawful terrible sinful hedonistic human race ( that this would have obliterated every trump supporter is the only real shortcoming i can see in its non-materialization )
oddly the only empty parking lots i saw were at churches...have the faithful already been raptured up and i missed it? or have the faithful seen through the lame numerological con game that is an evangelical side line? remember harold camping and his confused babbling from 2011? david meade can join him in the pantheon of failed prognosticators who fade into oblivion muttering to themselves about what could have gone wrong and god's treachery...personally i am going to have some lunch.

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