i went to the bookstore today...and i bought nothing...huh...the history and current events section looked like propaganda, not information...mass media bullshit from people with an agenda about how i should think..politicians and the yahoo punditry...you can forget about that..so i went to the gardening section and found absolutely nothing helpful in a quest to grow teosinte...i will have to continue researching on line and irritating helpful academics with endelss emails ( they can be a very patient group on the whole...get to know some...most likely you'll come out smarter)...my consumerist function is atrophied by the current economic slump, and i find i don't miss it...i've learned not to be impulsive...this is bad news for retailers...if i can get by on borrowed or copied materials and used books, i don't need them...if a bunch of people develop these skills it could crate a whole new economy based on use instead of growth...bad news for wall street and its greed mentality too...no more growth=no more finacial instrumments=no obscene wealth...a pipe dream? i don't think so...they are the ones in denial.
anyway on my way home i stopped off at deep river and took a photo from about the same place i took on on march twenty-sixth..almost three months makes quite a difference in appearance for the place...i like both photos...but i like one more...your guess...the cornfield is a reminder of industrial agriculture that treats nature as an extractive resource like the rest of industry does...on a finite planet it is a pattern of thought that's best unlearned a quickly as possible...it's summer now, but it won't last forever.
last nights guest on Jon Stewart wrote a book called "Last Call: The Rise & Fall of Prohibition". It sounds like an amazing story...I never knew that the personal income tax was passed to replace the loss of liquor tax revenue!
i had thought the 16th amnendment pre-dated the 18th by a number of years...income taxes by the feds had been temporary before that ( i believe there was an income tax during the civil war)...seems the feds needed a revenue stream that they didn't have to share with the various states...something woody cooked up
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