there had to be because there is a run-off election later this month due to , of all things, a tie in the election for the buisness representative ( see what i mean about craft unions? not a steward or a griever, a business representative...not a worker's representative...just someone who conducts union buisness...i loathe john r. commons) in the indianapolis area..."it is very important for the union that your vote be cast." because one is an insider ( or rather the incumbant member of the ruling caste) and the other is not...i will haul my ass out to the hall that day and i will NOT take a dues receipt...i signed dues check-off, let them prove my dues are unpaid...i don't have to prove a goddamned thing...incidently this is the only election result form last saturday i do know...the rest is mystery...i have been to local 20's website and i have asked my union representation at the plant ( they don't know either...seemingly it's a secret...or a foregone conclusion) no-one knows or is willing to tell...maybe i'll find out on the twenty-sixth...perhaps i won't.
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