Wednesday, December 3, 2008


there is a good deal of economic chaos going on...the herd mentality on wall street has no idea where to turn...they call it volatillity in the market...i'm inclined to call it panic at the realization that all those pompous pronouncements by market analysts, politicians, and economists are unfounded speculation and wishful thinking ( economics seems to me to be nothing more tham an academic search for a rationalization for greed...which is pretty much what's brought us to this pass in the first place) the govenment handed the oversight systen to greed and it took advantage of the laxity to all our is in control, and no-one can be because no-one can understand all the variables involved in causality...they can only convince themselves they do. there is an opportunity, as we try to understand what has happened, to re-think our priorities and try to move in a more sustainable direction. profit will have to count for much less than common good if we are going to provide for the nine billion people due by mid-century. franklin roosevelt helped to save capitalism in the last century by forcing it to accept that it couldn't have things all its own way...the lesson obviously didn't take. barak obama will not succeed either. he is a politician and as such constrained to work within a system that has had over two-hundred to entrench its methodology and mores. its reliance on the market and the profit motive are the problem. individualism has a place in many aspects of human life...crative self-expression demmands it...but not in decisions that impact us all. the way we feed ourselves, how we are houses, how linited resouces are alloted, the organization of the system that looks after our health...these are things that should be above could be done. it would require some education...a set of principles defining commual good and a methodology to re-enforce its acceptance as an imperative...but it is completely do-able with the proper mind set. we are all responsible and accountable...somewhere along the line we need to accept production for use as a first principle and learn to measure progress as something other growth in gdp and the number of billionaires we can boast.

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