Friday, June 12, 2009

statist television

it's analog tv year zero today as a centrally planned redistribution of wealth to cable companies, electronics manufacturers, and retailers becomes manditory for those who want to remain plugged into the master manipulator...i have plunked down abouy $250 to keep my household ( there is significant pressure from others to keep it so) and my mother's connected to engineered desires...i have vented my frustrations on the fcc and in various blogs...but somehow this is not enough...there are allegedly millions of households unprepared for today who would want what i have but do not want...odd how life can work that way...desire it and it proves elusive...or, after a protracted pusuit of your desire it turns out to be unexpectedly unfulfilling....something wrong with desire? or just what we desire? i'm not sure, but i think the fact that this economy functions by creating desires that might not be there otherwise plays a part...people allow themselve to be convinced that so many superfluous material things are necessities when they are just so much junk designed to agrandize someone else by padding their profit margin...sixteen months of economic contraction have been an education in that respect... i think the old economy based on growth fueled by cheap energy is broke beyond repair ( even though the powers that be insist on trying to fix it...that's because it's what defines them as an elite and if it cannot be fixed they may be left behind) but even if it is recovered i won't look at it the same way... i was questioning what i did and why i did it before this all started, and i am doing more of it now...examining your motivations probably won't make you happy...but it will make you change.

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