Friday, April 9, 2010

drama, comedy, or farce?

the bbc said this morning that drama schools in the united kingdom are giving politicians and bureaucrats ( the home office and the military are on their client lists as well as specific names for any of them...seems businessmen are going in for acting classes too ) lessons in lying with sincerity...stoking up their believability...not a tremendous surprise...politicians here have always been drama queens and the epitome was the eight year reign of that cretin reagan with his vicious wife and a deadly remix of nixonite cast-offs...even hitler had an opera coach to help him with his "natural" ability for oratory...politics sham and posturing...who would've thought? the cadre of professional manipulators is adding a new weapon in its battle to manufacture desire and ensure the "consent of the ruled" doesn't stray from the elite's agenda...the opening of the documentary "hitler: seducer of a nation" is footage of the first nazi rally in berlin after hitler became's voiced over by a p r professional who marvels at the technique that was used, from the stage setting and ritual to the fact that hitler kept the crowd waiting to build tension and used long pauses in the beginning of his speech to gauge the mood of the crowd and tailor his speech to it...the pro says something ot the effect ( i'm working from memory here)of "we are only now beginning to use these methods"...not a promising sort of testimonial to current political thinking among the media types...goebbels must be smiling in propaganda hell.

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