Saturday, September 22, 2012

empty fully before refilling

the appliances are in the dumpster and many personal belongings great loss...clutter more than anything..rather liberating in a way to come to the point of needing to decide what really is important and what can be jettisoned..some of it has actually become a burden rather than a possession...nothing especially profound in these insights...four years of economic stagnation paved the way for a culling of expendable rubbish...i have rented a 5' X10' storage area and aim to keep it less than full...some appliances form the basement that can be salvaged and some books...the rest is moveable and lends itself to my current nomadic existence...this is, about to end as we seem to have found a short term rental that meets our needs and our insurance company's budget...situated in midtown and closer to work than the half-unbuilt ruin we have temporarily left behind...the smoke damage on the east side of the house was extensive...two rooms on the west side had the doors closed and so will be sealed and painted...the rest of the house will be gutted, sealed, and water roof. floors, and walls...perhaps i will be retiring in somewhat worry-free circumstances...dwelling-wise anyway..a process that will be ongoing into next year so this blog will be filled with all the pathos and drama i can come up with...this is all new to me...i've been to rehab but my house never has...will there be a relapse? recidivist behavior? is there a twelve step program for this? fha?

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