Saturday, December 24, 2016

the blanching hour

i spent an hour working on the first step in making what my carpatho-rusyn granny would call can call it stuffed cabbage or whatever non-authentic name you want to apply...i will stick with what i grew up head of cabbage in the pot blanching...another on the counter waiting...peeled off with tongs and into a bath of cold water to stop the cooking...then into a colander to drain..forty leaves in the first head...forty-seven in the second...the last two photos are the largest and the smallest leaf from the second work is done here...the rest of the project is in other hands...i am free to ponder whether this qualifies as a post-modern "death of the real" since the generation that brought this to my family is long gone...or if my inclusion of this post in the blog carries on my tradition of satirizing the whole bogus theme of post-modern claptrap...i lean towards the latter...we need g.e. moore now like never before.

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